California employees are entitled to at least five (5) paid sick days per year; though, many city and local ordinances provide for greater paid sick leave. If you, your child, or a family member are sick, you are entitled to take time-off.

Who is a Family Member under California’s Paid Sick Leave Law? 

The following individuals qualify as family members under California’s paid sick leave laws: 

  • A child regardless of their age including adult children
  • Parent 
  • Stepparent
  • Spouse
  • Registered Domestic Partner
  • Grandparent
  • Grandchild
  • Sibling

Can I Take Time-Off For Preventative Care? 

Yes, employees can use their paid sick days for preventative care including your annual physical. You do not necessarily have to be sick in order to use a sick day. Paid sick days may be used for the diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition or preventative care for an you or your family member.

Can My Employer Make Me Find Someone to Cover My Shift When I’m Using Paid Sick Leave?

Generally, your employer cannot require you to find someone to cover you on days that you use paid sick leave.

Can I Use A Sick Day If I Have Been The Victim Of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Or Stalking?

Yes, employees may use their paid sick days if they are a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking for nearly any purpose. This includes filing a police report, seeking medical care, seeking a restraining order, participating in the prosecution of your case, attending court proceedings and/or testifying in court.

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